WPfunnels vs FunnelKit/WooFunnels: In this post, we are going to review and compare two WordPress funnel builders- FunnelKit vs WPFunnels. And will find out which one is really the best WordPress funnel builder for increasing sales or leads.

Woofunnels changed their brand name to Funnelkit.

Both WPFunnels and FunnelKit are WordPress based funnel building tools, which lets users to create funnels in most easiest ways with drag n drop canvas-based editor, plus users can add order bumps, upsells and downsells in 1 click.

But which one you should choose?, don’t worry this post will help you to find out.

So, let’s start with comparing both funnel builders specs & features side by side!

WPfunnels vs FunnelKit/WooFunnels: Side by Side Comparison

Funnel Builder✔️✔️
Unlimited Funnels✔️✔️
Prebuilt Templates✔️✔️
A/B Testing✔️
Page Builders
Order Bumps✔️✔️
1 Click
Slide Cart✔️
Checkout Pages✔️✔️
2 or Multi Step
Thank You Pages✔️✔️
Abandon Cart Recovery✔️✔️
Optin Pages✔️✔️
Email/SMS Broadcast✔️
Deep Analytics✔️✔️
Payment Integrations✔️✔️
Free Version Available?
Lifetime Plan✔️
Get FunnelKitGet WpFunnels

Overview – WPfunnels vs FunnelKit/WooFunnels

WpFunnels Review

Quickly create high converting sales funnels in minutes with WPfunnels or FunnelKit.

WPfunnels is a powerful sales funnel builder plugin for WordPress that offers an easy and intuitive way to create sales funnels and boost your revenue. It’s a great alternative to popular funnel builders such as Woofunnels, ClickFunnels, and CartFlows.

With WPfunnels, you can design complete wordpress sales funnel using drag-and-drop components on a visual canvas mode without the need for external plugins.

You can also create global funnels for your WooCommerce checkout store and set conditional upsell, downsell, and order bump offers.

Plus, WPfunnels allows you to customize checkout page fields for every buyer and plan personalized offers triggered by specific purchase conditions.

WPFunnels add all the tools and functionality together in one place which you need to design or create high-converting funnels, landing pages, and checkout flows right in your WordPress site dashboard.

So use this funnel building plugin in WordPress and boost sales and leads from your wordpress site.

Whether you are a WooCommerce store owner, online business, solopreneur coach, or subscription site owner, WPfunnels is an excellent tool for boosting your revenue through integrated, customizable, and easy-to-use funnels.

WpFunnels: Pros & Cons


  • Most affordable wordpress funnel builder
  • Even a non-techie person can create funnels with wpfunnels
  • Easy to use interface.
  • Order bumps, upsells and downsells can add anywhere
  • Elementor & Gutenberg popular page builders support
  • Many useful integration available
  • Detailed analytics dashboard, all info in 1 place


  • Limited Templates
  • No A/B testing
  • For emails need to buy Mint subscription

FunnelKit Review

Woofunnels is now Funnelkit, and Autonami is FunnelKit Automation, they renamed their brand and features name.

Looking for the ultimate funnel builder for WordPress? Check out Funnelkit - the top choice for creating effective sales funnels.

FunnelKit is also a WordPress funnel builder that includes a range of advanced features, designed to optimize sales page checkout, increase lead generation, and improve revenue tracking.

This WP funnel builder offers one-click upsells, order bumps, and A/B testing to help maximize sales and conversion rates. The tool also includes a slide-cart function that ensures users don’t leave your page before completing their purchase.

Moreover, FunnelKit automations allow users to set up email and SMS marketing campaigns, while rich contact profiles help marketers track each customer’s behavior.

FunnelKit includes workflows and integrations for seamless customer management across multiple platforms. The software also offers segmented broadcasts that allow marketers to target specific customers with tailored advertisements.

Overall, FunnelKit is a fully-featured WordPress funnel builder that’s perfect for businesses looking for a complete conversion-optimized e-Commerce solution.

With its range of optimization and marketing tools, FunnelKit can help businesses drive conversions and increase revenue. 

FunnelKits: Pros & Cons


  • Drag n drop WordPress based funnel builder
  • Even a non-techie person can create funnels with Funnekit
  • Advanced Marketing Automation
  • Prebuilt templates and automations
  • Order bumps, upsells and downsells can add anywhere
  • Almost all page builder support including Elementor, Gutenberg, Divi
  • Email CRM, Learndash LMS, Zapier integration and many more…


  • Although base plan pricing is affordable, but based on features you have to purchase higher plans.

WPfunnels vs FunnelKit – What’s the Difference?

Funnel Creation & Available Features:

With both tools, you can create funnels on WordPress with Drag n Drop editor and to most extend they have similar features such as order bumps to increase order value, 1 click upsells/downsells, abundant cart recovery, prebuilt templates etc…

But which features makes difference, let’s check them!

Page Builder Support

As for now, WPFunnels only supports Elementor and Gutenberg page builders to edit, create and customize funnels.

Whereas, FunnelKit has the support of all major page builders including Elementor, Divi, Gutenberg, Oxygen and many more

A/B Testings

Sometimes a little bit of changing in funnel aspects can bring high conversion, and you can do this easily with AB Split testing.

Comparing A/B testing to ad testing can help determine which strategy is more effective for optimizing conversions on websites.

Sadly, WPfunnels don’t have an inbuilt A/B testing feature, but we can duplicate funnels and manually split test them.

On the other hand, Woofunnels comes with Split test features and users can create A/B funnels with 1 click.


Woofunnels/Funnelkit has many automation features based on email and SMS messaging, plus there’s also Zapier and webhooks supports so you can see how much automation possibility in this funnels builder.

A screen displaying the setup process for automations in WooCommerce, comparing WPfunnels and FunnelKit features.

But Sadly to use these automation features, users have to purchase their Funnelkit Professional plan, which cost $249/year and that’s way more expensive compared to WPfunnels.

And in WPfunnels, there is only abundant cart follow-up in terms of automation features and have to use other tools for advanced automations.

Winner: FunnelKit.

Pricing Plans:

This is most exciting part of the comparison because here we will talk about both’s pricing and plans.

FunnelKit Pricing & Plans – Is there any lifetime deal?

Let’s start with WooFunnels, first of all, there’s no free plan, version or plugin to test this funnel builder. And more sad part there is no lifetime deal. Only yearly plans available

The best WordPress sales funnel without costly expenses.

Funnelkit pricing starts from $99/year for single site with funnel builder features and higher plans unlock more advanced features,

Basic $99
1 Site
Plus $179
2 Sites
Professional $249
2 Sites
Elite $399
30 Sites
Funnel Builder✔️✔️✔️✔️
Unlimited Funnels✔️✔️✔️
Checkout Templates✔️✔️✔️✔️
Cart Recovery✔️✔️✔️
Order Bumps✔️✔️✔️
Contact Management✔️✔️

With all plans, funnelkit offer 14 days money back guarantee, which makes it risk free to try.

WpFunnels Pricing & Plans – Is there any lifetime deal?

Wpfunnels also don’t offer any free plan or trial, and it’s lifetime deal also ended on Appsumo as well as on official website (don’t sure whether LTD will be back or not).

Currently there are only Yearly plans available starting from $77/year for 1 website.

A screenshot of a pricing page comparing FunnelKit and WPfunnels.

It has 3 plans with different features unlocked, and there also mail mint combined plans available for email marketing along with funnels.

With every plan it offer 15 days money back guarantee.

Video Comparison: WPfunnels vs WooFunnels/FunnelKit

In this video, I have installed both funnel builder in demo sites and then compared their features side by side.

Conclusion- Which one is better: WPfunnels or FunnelKit?

Without a doubt, both funnel builders are amazing and useful. But overall FunnelKit better than WPfunnels.

Where Wpfunnels seems affordable but there are no advanced features such Ab testing or automations and to use Email marketing users need to buy Mail Mint subscription additionally.

On the other hand, I find Funnelkit previously known as Woofunnels more advanced and affordable compared to Wpfunnels. Although to use all features you need to go with professional plan.

And that’s understandable as you will get unlimited Funnel building, funnel and checkout page templates, Broadcast Email/SMS and advanced automations.

All these in 1 Plan, no need to buy anything extra.

So, If you are thinking about purchasing FunnelKit, go without doubt, because there’s also 14 days money back guarantee to make it risk free try.

Also Read- Funnelkit vs Cartflows: Which is Better

FAQ: Most Asked Questions about WPfunnels vs WooFunnels/FunnelKit?

What is Woo funnel/Funnelkit?

Funnel kit is wordpress funnel builder plugin which lets you create advanced funnels, add upsells or order bumps with automations.

🤔What is the meaning of the sales funnel??

A sales funnel is the user or visitor going through designed steps to become a customer. Each stage of the funnel takes the buyer one step closer to making a purchase.

What is the difference between sales funnel and website?

Websites can be used for various and multiple purposes but sales funnel has only 1 objective bringing sales and leads.

What is the difference between WPfunnels and FunnelKit?

Woofunnels is now funnelkit so basically both are same.

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