Do you want to increase your website speed then in this article, we are going to review RabbitLoader WordPress Cache Plugin (best WP Rocket alternative). Which is used to get better website loading time and google pagespeed.

Infact, I’ll also share my experience and SaasGuru pagespeed test & GTmetrix performance test after using Rabbitloader. How I made my website 4X faster and achieved 96 out 100 google pagespeed test.

After being stuck with wp rocket with many years, I decided to switch to rabbit loader and tested for few weeks. Now here’s my Rabbitloader review.

Rabbitloader review

In this rabbit loader review, we will talk about what is it, how it boost your website loading speed, benefits, pros & cons and in the will we also discuss about lifetime deal.

So lets get straight into the review.

Rabbitloader review by Saas Guru

  • Ease of Use
  • Features
  • Performance
  • Price


Rabbitloader is wp caching plugin, which imporove website loading speed, and google page speed performance upto 100/100. This results better google rankings.
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Why website Speed is a important factor?

Do you know pagespeed is now a important indexing factor in google, means if your website’s pagespeed performance are not good. Your posts, articles and pages will not index higher on google. Resulting visitors/traffic loss!

Because Google focuses more on user behavior compared to anything else. So websites must have good pagespeed to satisfy google.

To test and check pagespeed, Google has a free tool- PageSpeed insights.

rabbit loader review pagespeed

It shows website’s Mobile and Desktop pagespeed performance and gives a score out of 100 (the higher the score near to 100, the website have good pagespeed performance).

And if there are issues which causing poor pagespeed, this tool also show them and let you know where you have to improve to get good pagespeed.

On this tool, you can check your website pagespeed for free and if you have more that 80+ score means you are good and need very less or zero improvements. And believe me this is not a easy process.

That’s why there are many cache plugins available to make the work easy for you such as W3 total cache, WP rocket etc.

But here also you have to setup the plugin and it’s again a complicated process and sometimes this can even make your website performance more worse.

But what if there’s a tool that don’t require such complicated setup and in just 1 click you can make your website fast with better Google Pagespeed insights. Then let me introduce RabbitLoader Cache Tool.

What is RabbitLoader?

RabbitLoader is a India based cache management tool for websites to makes them fast, which is serving in all around the world.

RabbitLoader Review 2023 - Why it's Best WpRocket Alternative & Cache Plugin

It minify and remove used HTML, CSS and Java scripts files from website without breaking or impacting the site’s design so that website can load fast. This resulting in good pagespeed performance.

Currently, Rabbit Loader Plugin only available for wordpress sites.

Rabbitloader Review Video with Live Demo

Here’s my detailed review video of rabbitloader cache plugin with live website speed improvement demo and tutorial, make to subscribe our channel for stay updated to new saas tools updates & alerts.

How Does RabbitLoader Work?

Rabbit loader scans the website and auto minify all the heavy loading files such as HTML, JS, CSS and reduce image sizes to load the website fast.

RabbitLoader Review - Why it's Best WpRocket Alternative & Cache Plugin

There’s also CDN included in this tool, which has more than 300 points worldwide, which create a cache website version and saves it in their cloud. So whenever a visitor open your site, a faster cached version loads from CDN cloud.

This gives website more faster loading speed.

Plus, there are tons of other website optimization features also available such as,

  • Webp Images – Covert Images into more faster loading webP format for browsers.
  • Brotli Compression – Compress files sent over network.
  • Lazy loading – Defer loading of images/videos.
  • LQIP – Show blurred placeholder for images.
  • Prefetching and Preloading – Preloading the site on browser to give faster experience to visitor.
  • Page Rules – Control over pages which you want to cache or not.
  • Http/2 – Full request and response multiplexing.

These all combines and works for every type of website to make their loading speed optimized for all countries, browsers, devices, and bandwidth.

How to Install & Setup RabbitLoader – Make your Website Fast

Compared to other Cache Plugins such as W3 total cache, Wp rocket, Litespeed cache etc. Installing and usage of Rabbitloader is very easy. Everything is done automatically without requiring any setup.

You don’t have to configure the plugin to use the rabbitloader.

All you have to search the rabbitloader plugin in your wordpress site dashboard and install it.

Rabbit Loader Review - Make Website Fast & Get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed

After that it will ask you to connect the plugin with rabbit loader website using or creating new account.

Then add your website on which you have installed the rabbit loader plugin.

That’s all installation done and now rabbitloader automatically scan the website do it’s optimization and loads it on their CDN.

Please Note: This process can take time upto few hours, that’s why I suggest you to wait for 24 hours to fully optimized your site and do rabbitloader it’s magic.

After 24 hours, you can see plugin optimization is done. On rabbit loader plugin dashboard it show pagespeed for every optimized URLs, Images, CDN and more.

Rabbit Loader Review - best wordpress cache plugin

In the URL performace tab, You can even see pagespeed for your website every page for Mobile and Desktop version.

And, Now you can check or test your website’s Pagespeed again, I gurtantee it will a lot improved compared to before using this plugin.

Here’s a Detailed Comparison- RabbitLoader vs Wp Rocket: Which One Better

Main Features:

CDN Caching

RabbitLoader uses CDN (content delivery network) for caching and improving website performance by loading it from nearest CDN server. By the way, It has CDN points over 300+ locations in 47 countries.

rabbit loader review: cdn

When you add your website in rabbitloader for first time, it save website files to all clouds server locations. And whenever a visitor access any page it deliver content from nearest server and make website load faster.

That’ how CDN works.

By leveraging these CDN networks, Rabbit Loader significantly improves page load times, reduces website bounce rates, and elevates user experience regardless of their geographical location.

With RabbitLoader, your website’s resources are cached and delivered to users from the fastest server among 300+ global locations. Additionally, you have the option to select which URL to cache and which not to cache from dashboard.

Image Optimization

Images are the files that take time to load and make website loading slow, what if we can reduce their file size without actually reducing their quality. Well it’s possible and rabbit loader do that perfectly.

It turns all PNG, JPG or any other format images into WebP formats (browser friendly) which are basically smaller size compared to original file but load faster.

Plus there’s also lazy load and CDN image caching,

Lazy Load – With lozy load image not load until page scroll to that point.

CDN Image Caching- Image loads from nearest server.

All these combined make images load faster on website and improve overall performance.

Brotli compression

The implementation of Brotli compression is specifically meant for text content payloads like CSS files and JavaScript. This widely-accepted general-purpose compression method was developed by Google.

Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript files

Rabbit Loader comes equipped with valuable features, but perhaps the most noteworthy is its capacity to compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. This results in page loading times and overall enhanced user satisfaction. 

The process of “minifying” code involves the removal of redundant character elements such as comments and whitespace while still retaining its functionality. This decreases the overall size of the code, leading to quicker load times. 

A minified HTML file also helps search engine crawlers to index your website efficiently, improving your website’s SEO (search engine optimization).

CSS and JavaScript files are also crucial for website performance. Rabbit Loader also minify these files size significantly, resulting in faster page load times and a better user experience. Minifying CSS files removes any unnecessary assets, and redundant CSS rules, whereas minifying JavaScript files removes any unused code or files.

With Rabbit Loader’s automatic HTML, Critical CSS and JavaScript files minification feature, time and effort are saved.  

Along with these rabbit loader also improve SSL latency, FCP, FID & CLS (important pagespeed score factors) and thus improve website’s loading time.

Auto Optimize

Whenever a new post, page, image and comment added or updated on your website, rabbit loader detects that change and update cache files in all CDN servers. And view website latest version to visitor.

Rabbit Loader: Pros & Cons


  • Improve overall website core web vitals and pagespeed insights score, resulting better SERP ranks on google.
  • CDN caching load webpages faster from 300+ server locations.
  • Easy to setup, just install and activate plugin. No manual settings or configuration required, everything done automatically
  • Convert images from PNG, JPG to webP to reduce their file size without dropping quality
  • Even WooCommerce site can use perfectly.
  • Auto optimize to changes and update
  • Email and Phone support availabe


  • After using for multiple sites, I haven’t found any issue.
  • No live chat support
  • All plans for only 1 website

RabbitLoader ReviewMy Experience after Using this Cache Plugin!

Previously I was using WP rocket and doing all manual configuration for the plugin still my website pagespeed around 53 for mobile and 76 for desktop.

Despite the fact, I am using CDN offered by Hostinger Hosting.

Most Afforable CDN Hosting

Hostinger offer most cheapest hosting which starts from just $1.99/month, and in every hosting plan they offer SSD storage, unlimited bandwidth, SSL, Free backups and more. CDN only come in hostinger business plan.

Try Hostinger Hosting

It’s not that I don’t know how to configure Wp rocket plugin, but because my wp site using many plugins and custom scripts. This all impact my site speed even after I was using Wp rocket plugin.

Then I get to know about RabbitLoader and tested out on my site “Saasguru” on which you are reading this RabbitLoader review.

And here’s the results,

Google Pagespeed Test

Rabbit Loader Review 2022 - Make Website Fast & Get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed
for Mobile
Rabbit Loader Review 2022 - Make Website Fast & Get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed
for Desktop

GTmetrix Performance Test

Rabbit Loader Review 2022 - Make Website Fast & Get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed
Gtmetrix performance after using Rabbitloader

Previously it was C with 67%, but now rabbitloader also improved my overall website speed performce upto 90%.

If you don’t believe these images, you can also test my site on pagespeed and gtmetrix platforms.

RabbitLoader Pricing – Is there any Lifetime Deal?

Unfortunately, currently there is no lifetime paln available.

Recently rabbitloader ended their lifetime deals from Appsumo and now only offering monthly and yearly subscription plans.

rabbitloader pricing

Which pricing starts from $7.49/mon when you choose yearly billing.

Skippy – $7.49/mHopper – $14.99/m
Pageview countUnlimitedUnlimited
Max canonical URL250015000
Standard CDN bandwidth20GB100GB
PageSpeed score booster✔️✔️
JavaScript/CSS optimizations✔️✔️
Lazy Load✔️✔️
Page Rule1525
Multi Origin✔️

◼️ RabbitLoader Refund Policy

Rabbitloader comes with 14 days money-back guarantee and refund policy, which means if somehow after buying the plugin subscription you are not happy with the results, just return it within 14 days period and you will get a full refund.

So what are you waiting for!

31 Best Appsumo Lifetime Deals of October 2024

Final Verdict – RabbitLoader Review 2024

Rabbitloader is really #1 wordpress cache plugin, breaking all barriers until users are facing while using other cache plugins and giving fast website load performance and pagespeed.

I mean you only have to just install the plugin that’s all, now it will do every automatically- minify big size files, resizing images and turning them in webp more browser suited & fast loading image format, offering 300+ CDN points to load your website faster anywhere from world.

And believe me it performance is top-notch, I replaced WP Rocket (which was previously meant to be #1 WordPress plugin) with Rabbitloader.

So if you also want to make your website fast and improve google page speed insights then there is no better tool than the Rabbit Loader WordPress plugin.

FAQ – Most Asked Question About RabbitLoader WordPress Plugin

What is RabbitLoader?

Rabbitlaoder is the #1 wordpress cache plugin, which makes your wordpress website load faster and helps to achieve upto 100/100 google pagespeed.

Is Pagespeed is a important google ranking factor?

Yes, it is conformed by google that pagespeed is important ranking factor for higher rankings on google.
Analyze your Webiste Pagespeed for FREE with Rabbit Loader

Can we use rabbit loader for E-commerce sites?

Yes, until your website hosted wordpess CMS you can use rabbitloader cache plugin for any type of website, even if it is a WooCommerce website.

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